A promise is made when you tell someone that you will certainly do something for him/her..
It's a declaration that something will or will not be done..
Am i just too stupid and naive to believe that everyone will keep their promises?
Ans to it : 是我把现实看得渺小..
It's just that when people fails to meet my expectations..i get seriously upset..
I've never forced anyone to make any promises with me..even if i did..i'll make sure i did pre-warn you to keep it..if not, don't ever make any of it with me..i trusted you to keep any promise that is made with me..and i believe that trust is a pillar to any successful type of relationship..that's why i allowed you to make any promises with me..you made that commitment..u made that promise..and yet..every single one that is made just crumble down when things goes wrong..to ash..to powder..to dust..to air..i dunno..LOL!!
No longer knew what to say anymore..I'm just utterly speechless..
I'm not disappointed in that person who broke it..i'm just disappointed in myself for believing/trusting that people will actually stick with their words no matter what happens..
Because reality actually sucks more than it seems..
Because human are actually born to protect themselves..it's a natural instinct that they place their own priorities way way more than such a lame thing call "promise"..
Because the "promise" will be the last thing on their mind whenever anyone makes any decision..
Because i'm DUMB enough to believe in "keeping promises"..
From today onwards..NO MORE PROMISES..it's just all words without meaning..
i don't give a damn anymore..i reap what i sow..somehow i needa learn how to protect myself..
Rules are meant to be broken..so is promises..
P/S: I'm writing this to the person whom i'm mentioning about above..your probably know who you are if you ever cared enough to read my blog anymore anyway..
Though i know i should not take whatever you said tonight to heart..but what u mentioned did upset me a lot..every sentense u said is like a fresh wound on me..coz your existence was never an illusion to me to begin with..the way you show how nonchalant u can be..like i no longer matters to you anymore..i just didn't realise my persistent in maintaining our friendship is becoming a nuisance in your life..because i was unable to" Fuck off from your life..you will"..and the way u broke every single promises you made just by doing that..
Nevertheless..whatever that happened in the past will be remembered..I'll reflect and i'll change..
27/3/2009-->1/6/2009..Thanks for being part of my life once..
But I did broke my personal promise not to cry for you anymore..i kinda just burst into tears and crash when i saw the "pink" words change to "Blue"..and when i saw that "yes" to my question..
I'm not gonna tell you that i'm feeling ok..because that's really not the truth..and u should know that..
I might be young to you..i might not understand a lot of things u do..we might have a lot of differences..
but it doesn't matters to me..please do not doubt my sincerity for you..
I just want us to remain in contact! And be friends! It's really really not that hard at all..
Any obstacles can be cross..if you can't do it..then let me do it..if you are that tired..then i'll carry you..
If you only let me have that chance and opportunity to do it..but it's all too late now?
Right Now..i only hope that the yes you have given me was seriously your answer from deep within your heart.. don't say that because of me..because this is not what i wanted..and u knew it very clearly..
But if it's really what u mean and what u wanted all along..i can be strong for you..i can be determined to really "fuck off" from your life..if that will actually make you truly happier
Drop me a message if you ever changed your mind..i'll always always be here for you..
<3 Happy Happy Life
YiYi x333333 dar dar~
Wonder Girls n ME!

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